Lean back into the fitball and let it support your weight. Feet shoulder width apart and facing straight ahead. Sit the bottom down as if you are going to sit on a stool directly under the buttocks.
Squat until the knee is bent to 90 degrees. In this position, the shin should then be 90 degrees to the ground. If it's not, then adjust the position of the feet and the body lean into the fitball until this alignment is achieved.
The last part of the clip shows a squat with a small knee bend only. It is useful as a starting point for this exercise if the knees are sore and/or arthritic.
For all exercises and stretches on this blog, please ensure you are taught how to perform the exercise by a qualified member of Original Osteopathy. We accept no responsibility for any exercise attempted that we have not shown you! If you have been shown the exercise and experience any unexpected symptoms, discontinue and contact Original Osteopathy.