Sunday, July 26, 2009

Arm Openings

Arm Openings is an exercise from Pilates. The aim is to increase the range of motion in the upper back and neck. Its an articulation exercise rather than a stretch so at first it feels like not much is happening but stick with it as the results are amazing!

Note that the movement is slow and controlled.

The rotation is timed with the breathing. Every time Saskia's hand is going to the roof (vertical position), Saskia is taking a breath in. Every time Saskia's hand moves away from the vertical position, Saskia is breathing out.

Please also note that the hand and nose are always in line with each other. The hand NEVER stretches past the nose/chin line. So the hand will only reach around as far as the neck and torso can comfortably turn.

For all exercises and stretches on this blog, please ensure you are taught how to perform the exercise by a qualified member of Original Osteopathy. We accept no responsibility for any exercise attempted that we have not shown you! If you have been shown the exercise and experience any unexpected symptoms, discontinue and contact Original Osteopathy.

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