Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adductor (Inside Thigh) Stretch

The adductor stretch opens up the groin region. The foot up on the stretching bar needs to be pointing straight up and the support foot needs to be at 90 degrees to the bar. Your body should face side on to the bar.

Do not over stretch!! This is usually a very inflexible area for most people so progress slowly.

Hold the stretch for 30-45 seconds.

To increase the force of the stretch place your hand on the side being stretched on your inside thigh with the palm facing forward.

Place the other hand over your head to further increase the force of the stretch

For all exercises and stretches on this blog, please ensure you are taught how to perform the exercise by a qualified member of Original Osteopathy. We accept no responsibility for any exercise attempted that we have not shown you! If you have been shown the exercise and experience any unexpected symptoms, discontinue and contact Original Osteopathy.

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